Suddenly Bipolar

bipolar blogs

Imagine living with bipolar disorder for roughly 25 years without knowing it. That’s what prompted Deborah to start her blog. She writes about hospital stays, traveling, and the portrayal of mental illness in media and entertainment. She’s covered everything from gratitude, to college, to what it means to have a purpose in life.

International Bipolar Foundation Blog

bipolar blogs

The International Bipolar Foundation has created a powerful resource for people living with bipolar disorder. On the blog, you can read about things like life after psychosis, perfectionism, peer support, and managing school with depression or mania. There’s also a forum where people can share their own stories.

Life Unlimited by DBSA

bipolar blogs

The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) is a peer-run organization for people living with mood disorders. You can find a wide variety of information and resources on bipolar disorder and depression, as well as a section featuring personal stories from people who live with bipolar.

Bipolar Burble

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Natasha Tracy is an award-winning writer and speaker — and an expert on living with bipolar disorder. She also wrote a book about her life with bipolar. On her blog, Bipolar Burble, she shares evidence-based information about what it’s like to manage bipolar, covering topics like working with bipolar disorder, radical self-care, and how to tell someone you have bipolar.


bipolar blogs

Hannah Blum, writer and mental health advocate, started Halfway 2 Hannah in 2016 to open up about her journey living with bipolar disorder. She writes on her blog to empower others who have bipolar disorder and mental health challenges, so they can feel less alone and find beauty in what makes them different. Hannah writes about talking about trauma, how to help your partner with their mental health, and creative alternatives to self-harm.

Kitt O’Malley: Love, Learn & Live with Bipolar Disorder

bipolar blogs

Kitt O’Malley calls herself a mental health advocate, wife, and “mother who neglects housework to write.” Her blog is all about loving, learning, and living with bipolar disorder — from everyday actionable tips people can use to manage their condition, to parenting, poetry, and creative writing.

Bipolar Barbie

bipolar blogs

“I needed a hero, so a hero I became.” That’s what inspired Bipolar Barbie, a blog about living with — and advocating for more awareness of — mental illness. You can browse topics like myths about anxiety disorders, symptoms of borderline personality disorder, and talking openly about mental health. Bipolar Barbie also shares candid videos on Instagram and vlogs on YouTube.